We are the only group in Alabama dedicated to the success of the independent auto dealer and our industry.
We are committed to helping your dealership grow and thrive with discounts, services, education, workshops and more.
Check out the latest newsletter from our executive director.
Your journey to a successful dealership starts with the training, knowledge, mentoring and support you receive right here. Find out about our workshops and membership.
Choose these trusted vendors, who offer invest in Alabama and offer you special discounts and savings! Check out the preferred vendors.
Looking for a member dealer? Have a question about the industry? We are here to help and our knowledgeable staff stand ready to assist. Contact us today.
It is the intent and purpose of the Alabama Independent Automobile Dealers Association, its officers and Board of Directors, to encourage and promote goodwill, integrity and professional interaction among its members and the automobile dealerships within the State of Alabama.
It is the objective and purpose of the Alabama I.A.D.A. to strive to educate its members and other organizations and business personnel regarding the laws, guidelines and regulations of the government affecting the automotive industry in Alabama.
As a long time member of the AIADA, I can attest to its value. The wealth of knowledge and experience you will gain from its network of experienced Dealers and Financial Institutions far outweigh the minimal annual dues. With the many new federal state and local rules and regulations surrounding our industry, the AIADA office staff is always ready to assist you with any questions you may have. They can even help you with the necessary documents and forms to be sure you stay compliant.
Whether you are new to the industry or have been in business for many years, I would encourage every Alabama dealer to join today and see what the AIADA can do for you.
I’ve had the pleasure of working with Randy, Judy and the rest of the team at the AIADA for the last couple of years and I can say with confidence that they are 100% focused on how to benefit each and every independent dealer in the state of Alabama. From their work in understanding the legislative landscape on a state and national level to working hard to give back to the communities that give so much to each of us, the team at AIADA is committed to delivering excellent service to their members, partners and associates day in and day out.
First convention I have attended. It was absolutely great. Talked to a lot of dealers interested in our auction.
From the state capitol in Montgomery, Alabama to the nation’s capital in Washington DC, The Alabama Independent Auto Dealers Association fights for every independent automotive dealer in the state of Alabama.
Randy Jones attends Dealers Auto Auction of Huntsville on a regular basis, the staff and dealers alike always welcome Randy with open arms. The tireless work ethic Randy has, certainly has earned him the respect of everyone across the state and the southeast. The team at AIADA has grown the association so much over my eight years, we went from a small annual convention venue to searching for a place that will hold all of us. To say Randy, Judy and the rest of their team has grown the membership is an understatement. The very best advice I could give automotive dealers is this, for a minimal amount of money it cost to join the association, Randy and his team could possibly be your best employees. If its education you want AIADA puts it out there for you.
I challenged our President Pokey Brimer to attend DAA/Huntsville a couple weeks after he became President, a few weeks later Pokey and his entourage showed up. I’d like to thank you guys, Pokey, Todd Oden, Chad Tillery, Henry Mullinax and always a regular with us Robbie Case. Thank you guys so much I have the utmost respect for all of you.